News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
CONFIRMED: Vaccines are contaminated with glyphosate
With pesticides containing disease-causing chemicals like glyphosate, many parents wouldn’t dream of letting their kids eat fruits and vegetables that aren’t organic. These kids may not be consuming much glyphosate, but if they get vaccinated, the chemical could well be injected into their bodies, where it can cause even more harm. A recent study carried […]
By Cassie B.
Depression: Another side effect of toxic vaccinations?
If it seems like a lot of people you know are suffering from depression, it’s probably not your imagination: The World Health Organization reports that roughly 300 million people around the world are dealing with the disorder, and other studies show that 16.2 million American adults experienced a major depressive episode at least once during […]
By Cassie B.
These fish test high for mercury… are you poisoning yourself at dinner?
When you hear about the many health benefits you can enjoy when you consume lots of fish –particularly omega-3 fatty acids – it’s tempting to try to eat as much of it as possible. However, one issue that is holding many people back from upping their fish intake is mercury contamination. Mercury is toxic, poisoning […]
By Cassie B.
The science is pouring in: You’re probably eating Roundup herbicide in “excessive” levels
How much Roundup have you consumed this week? This question might sound like a joke, but the amount of the toxic weed killer that people consume unwittingly is certainly no laughing matter. Most people have no idea just how widely used this chemical is. Now that Monsanto has genetically engineered crops to stand up to […]
By Cassie B.
Recent research finds that rural homes in NY are contaminated with pesticides
Many people like to think of their home as their refuge, but there’s one dangerous problem that is surprisingly difficult to escape from, even in the place where you should feel safest: pesticide contamination. According to researchers from Cornell University, indoor pesticide pollution is a huge problem in rural homes in New York state. As […]
By Cassie B.
Fluoride chemicals dumped into the water supply are “unprocessed toxic waste” chemicals, warns Children’s Health Defense
The topic of fluoride in drinking water has been hotly debated for many years, with one side insisting it is safe while evidence on the other side piles up showing just how wrong that notion is. Now, Children’s Health Defense is trying to spread the word about what exactly your family is ingesting when you […]
By Cassie B.
COVER-UP: Scientists who find glyphosate herbicide in common foods are silenced or reassigned
Do you know what’s really in the foods you eat? Sure, there’s a list of ingredients on the package, but your food could contain one very toxic substance that isn’t disclosed: glyphosate. You might not be too surprised to find this deadly herbicide ingredient in non-organic fruits and vegetables, but the truth is that it […]
By Cassie B.
Journal corrections on glyphosate review confirms what we’ve been saying for years: Monsanto released ghostwritten papers declaring supposed “safety” of their pesticides
Monsanto, the manufacturer of the popular glyphosate herbicide Roundup, does such a good job of trying to downplay the health dangers of glyphosate that you might almost be tempted to believe them. When detractors try to claim that Monsanto themselves were behind studies that supposedly show the pesticides are safe, it’s easy for the firm […]
By Cassie B.
New study shows that the current concentrations of PCBs in the oceans are threatening the world’s population of killer whales
Killer whales, or orcas, are one of the most widespread mammals on our planet, living in oceans from pole to pole. Part of the dolphin family, they are extremely social and smart creatures. Sadly, these enormous predators may one day be wiped off the face of the earth, however, thanks to pollution from polychlorinated biphenyls […]
By Cassie B.
Tamarind found to remove dangerous fluoride deposits from bones
Fluoride is everywhere these days. Perhaps you’re one of the 200 million Americans whose municipal water contains this neurotoxin, or maybe you’re worried about exposure via toothpaste. Sodium fluoride accumulates in the body and the brain, and high levels can bring about neurological damage. It might seem like there isn’t much you can do about […]
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