News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
DDT pesticide exposure during pregnancy now scientifically linked to autism
Autism and its causes can be a loaded subject. For every person who believes that it’s connected to vaccines and environmental toxins, there will be someone else who wants to convince you that it’s simply a random occurrence. However, there is now little doubt about one potential cause of autism: pesticide exposure. This link has […]
By Cassie B.
Your dental fillings could be killing you! Dental restorations with mercury can ruin your health
If you’re health-conscious, you’re probably doing your best to stick to a diet of healthy, natural, organic foods. You’re likely getting regular exercise and spending some time in the sun to keep your vitamin D levels in check. Perhaps you’ve replaced your household cleaning chemicals with more natural alternatives. However, something could still be silently […]
By Cassie B.
Monsanto facing lawsuits over kidney disease deaths in Sri Lanka
Monsanto has made enemies all around the world with its toxic products and dirty business tactics, and now they’re finally having to answer for their misdeeds in courts of law across the planet. The firm has been facing a slew of high-profile lawsuits here in the U.S. filed on behalf of cancer patients who were […]
By Cassie B.
Glyphosate use SUSPENDED in Brazil as cancer concerns take center stage
Upon hearing how dangerous glyphosate is, many people’s first question is why it is allowed to be sold if it is so deadly. The answer to that question, at least in the U.S., is very complex and involves a lot of money and political maneuvering. In Brazil, however, common sense appears to be prevailing as […]
By Cassie B.
Here we go again: Michigan declares state of emergency after cancer-causing chemical confirmed in the public water supply
The state of Michigan has declared a local state of emergency in the city of Parchment after high levels of toxic perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) were found in the municipal water source there. On July 26, residents were told to stop drinking water after tests showed that the city’s water supply had 1,587 parts […]
By Cassie B.
Applied insect ecologist says that neonicotinoid insecticides are used far more heavily than necessary, causing huge ecological damage
You’re probably aware by now that the use of neonicotinoid pesticides is threatening bee populations around the world. While this remains a serious concern, one expert has stated that he feels the focus on bees has obscured even greater concerns about the use of these chemicals. Applied insect ecologist John F. Tooker says the bigger […]
By Cassie B.
Research finds that MSG is dangerous to liver health
MSG is a common flavor enhancer, and many people swear that certain foods simply don’t taste the same without it. That better taste, however, comes with a price as MSG is known to cause a variety of health problems. Research shows it’s particularly dangerous for the health of your liver. In a study published in […]
By Cassie B.
Monsanto may soon face “FLOOD” of lawsuits from cancer victims of Roundup herbicide
Monsanto, the maker of the world’s most popular weed killer Roundup, could soon be facing an unrelenting flood of lawsuits from people who got cancer from their product. On Tuesday, a federal judge decided to allow three expert witnesses to give their testimony pertaining to Roundup’s carcinogenicity. U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria ruled that the […]
By Cassie B.
Flawed testing and compromised regulatory agencies have conspired to keep harmful pesticides on the market
Even in 2018, as we have more access to information than ever before, some people seem willing to give pesticides the benefit of the doubt. They can’t be that bad, they reason, or they never would have gotten approval. Surely there are tests that show they’re not as dangerous as people think, right? The answer […]
By Cassie B.
Here’s how fluoride destroys your health in obvious, and not so obvious, ways
Few people realize just how far-reaching the effects of long-term exposure to fluoride can be. Dental fluorosis may be the most obvious manifestation of fluoride damage as it discolors and pits people’s teeth, but much of the other harm it causes is not as easy to see and is often blamed on something else. Here’s […]
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