News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Glyphosate from Monsanto’s Roundup decimates microbes in soils and the human gut – new science
Gut bacteria is gaining increasing attention for the role it plays in our overall health. Given its influence on everything from immune function to digestion to brain function, research has been consistently showing the power of healthy gut bacteria – and the dangers of getting it wrong. Unfortunately, one very common chemical that has made […]
By Cassie B.
Incriminating documents reveal Monsanto knew they were poisoning the environment with their PCBs
Documents that have come to light recently show that Monsanto continued to make and sell polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) for eight years after they knew that they were hazardous to the environment and human health. The firm was already exposed for this practice when internal documents were digitized and posted as part of the Poison Papers […]
By Cassie B.
Brain-damaging neurotoxic pesticide found in hundreds of foods: EPA allows pesticide lobby to dictate policy
If you thought that buying organic fruits and vegetables was a waste of money, you might want to think again. Test results released by the FDA have shown the presence of a neurotoxic pesticide known as chlorpyrifos in samples taken from more than 300 different foods. This alarming data comes from a series of tests […]
By Cassie B.
Purple hair dye nearly KILLS family dog… what’s it doing to YOUR health?
A white Maltese mix dog nearly died after someone decided to color her hair purple with dye meant for humans. When the pup arrived at Pinellas County Animal Services, her eyes were swollen shut and her body was covered in severe burns. The five-pound dog, Violet, was also listless and limp. Her burns were so severe, in […]
By Cassie B.
Millions of documents about chemical toxicity have been compiled into database, ToxicDocs, now available online
There is no doubt that toxic products are everywhere you look these days. For every headline about a product recall, there are countless other items that are either ignored or given a free pass, slowly poisoning us and our planet. Public health historians David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz have been documenting the history of toxic […]
By Cassie B.
Chemicals from everyday items may cause cancer, diabetes, autism, ADHD, reproductive problems – how to identify and avoid them
You probably understand the importance of organic food by now, but dangerous chemicals could still be making their way into your system through some everyday products you might not have even realized you need to worry about. Here is a look at a few of the items you might be using that could be wreaking […]
By Cassie B.
Monsanto’s latest marketing ploy: Labeling GMOs as “biofortified”
GMOs have been getting a bad name for quite some time now, and it’s hardly surprising given the near-constant stream of evidence showing the harms caused by genetically engineered crops and the pesticides used on them. As people increasingly make an effort to avoid buying these products, Monsanto has come up with a new idea […]
By Cassie B.
Roundup (glyphosate) found to cause alarming changes in the gut microbiome
A new study has revealed that Roundup exposure leads to major changes in the gut microbiome of rats, and it’s a finding that could have significant ramifications on human health. This study was carried out by a team of researchers at the University of Caen in France led by Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini. Seralini is a […]
By Cassie B.
GM nightmare unfolds: Humans have created a MONSTER MOSQUITO that can now RESIST the pesticides meant to kill them
Getting bit by mosquitoes is never fun, and it can be downright deadly if they happen to be carrying diseases like malaria. Mankind’s quest to keep this nuisance under control, however well-meaning it may be, appears to have had the opposite of its intended effect as a new study shows how mosquitoes have evolved a […]
By Cassie B.
Monsanto has gone to great lengths to keep documents secret during litigation; judge threatened sanctions
Monsanto has a lot to hide. Repeatedly named as the world’s most evil corporation and known for inspiring protests around the planet, their list of wrongdoings is lengthy and continues to grow. Therefore, it’s no surprise that they have a lot of documents that they’d like to keep out of the public eye, and new […]
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