News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Keith Kloor exposed as a biotech industry shill for pimping GMOs (and smearing environmentalists)
Freelance journalist Keith Kloor’s penchant for writing pro-GMO articles goes beyond personal bias. In a recent piece for the Huffington Post, contributor Paul D. Thacker shows just how hard the NYU adjunct journalism professor has worked with “experts” on the GMO industry’s payroll to get corporate talking points published as journalism. Kloor has written pro-GMO […]
By Cassie B.
Horrific health hazards lurking in Houston flood waters
The devastating flooding in the wake of Hurricane Harvey has been incredibly challenging for residents and emergency workers in Houston, and the situation could only get worse as the waters serve as a breeding ground for a host of dangerous organisms. Experts from the CDC are warning that people should treat all the flood water […]
By Cassie B.
Monsanto knowingly sold dangerous, illegal chemicals for YEARS, uncovered documents reveal
Monsanto’s reputation has been taking a lot of hits lately, and the news just keeps getting worse for the agrochemical company. As unsealed court documents continue to show how they acted to cover up the dangers of their toxic Roundup herbicide, other documents have come to light showing that deceit has been the name of […]
By Cassie B.
Monsanto scientist admitted colluding with “science” journals to suppress research revealing dangers of glyphosate, GMOs
Monsanto was so concerned about a study that showed the toxic effects of its glyphosate herbicide Roundup that it colluded with a journal to suppress it. In the process, they drew even more attention to the very information they were hoping to marginalize. After all, they wouldn’t have been so desperate to make the study […]
By Cassie B.
Corporations saving BILLIONS as Americans are dying younger from toxic effects of medications, pesticides and herbicides
Until recently, the average American life expectancy has gone up. However, it now appears that the toxic lifestyle embraced by much of the country is finally catching up with people, and those life expectancy gains have come to screeching halt. This might be bad news for individuals and their loved ones, but corporations are noting […]
By Cassie B.
GMO industry now screaming that delays in government approval of genetically engineered crops are KILLING people
It looks like the pro-GMO propaganda machine has been at work again after a new study published in Plos ONE says that children will die because of the government’s slow approval of GM crops. In the study, a group of researchers calculated the effects that the delays could cause on the population of five countries […]
By Cassie B.
Cities dumping human sewage on farm land across America is contaminating the food supply and destroying the ecosystem
Since the EPA started promoting the “land application” of sewage sludge in 1993, millions of tons of this toxic biosludge have been spread on the farmland and public parks in our nation. It also sometimes makes its way to the organic compost and fertilizer section of your favorite garden supply store. What happens to it […]
By Cassie B.
Clean eating now considered a “dangerous fad” by nutritionally illiterate doctors
Clean eating has become a way of life for many people around the world. This way of eating focuses on consuming whole foods that are not processed or refined; this can be anything that is as close to its natural form as possible, like fresh produce and raw nuts. This is an undeniably healthy way […]
By Cassie B.
DENIAL: Remember when the scientific “status quo” claimed pesticides didn’t harm honeybees? Now the evidence is undeniable
Anyone who still tries to claim that pesticides do not harm honeybees after recent study results out of Germany and France is likely trying to promote their own interests because they are clearly out of touch with reality. The new study, which was published in the Journal of Apicultural Research, leaves no doubt about the […]
By Cassie B.
One of the key proponents of climate change “science” now says eating weed killer is safe for your health and good for the planet
How can you get people to buy what you’re selling? Many marketing experts believe in the power of celebrity endorsements, hiring the latest gossip page darlings to hawk whatever wares they are selling. These celebrities might not like or even use the products they are promoting, but they are happy to collect their check and […]
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