News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Thousands march worldwide against the world’s most hated company, Monsanto
How can you tell if a company is truly evil? If actively covering up the fact that their highly profitable products cause cancer wasn’t your first clue, the knowledge that thousands of people around the world stage protests against them every year should illustrate the extent of their depravity quite nicely. Of course, you might […]
By Cassie B.
Monsanto caught running massive “troll farm” to maliciously smear the Food Babe, Health Ranger, Jeffrey Smith and anyone questioning the fake science behind GMOs
Have you ever wondered why the debate over the safety of Roundup and glyphosate rages on despite the mounting evidence that it is indeed dangerous for every type of life on our planet? New court documents have revealed something that many people have long suspected: Roundup manufacturer Monsanto has a troop of trolls at its […]
By Cassie B.
Cancer patient speaks out about the devastating effects Monsanto’s Roundup has had on her life
As the lawsuits filed by cancer patients against Monsanto continue to pile up, more personal stories are coming to light of people who have suffered from exposure to the company’s deadly herbicide. Christine Sheppard knew something was wrong when her leg swelled up dramatically. An ultrasound led to a diagnosis of stage IV large-cell lymphoma. […]
By Cassie B.
Hawaii seeks to ban toxic chemical sunscreens to save the coral reefs from chemical decimation
Many snorkelers who are drawn to Hawaii’s coral reefs have noticed that they are not brimming with life the way they once did, and it looks like they only have themselves to blame. A lot of explanations have been put forth for coral die-offs, but one of the biggest culprits is the sunscreen that is […]
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