News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 Food Slogan LIES
Did you know that inflammation is simply a defense mechanism where your system recognizes irritants, pathogens, and damaged cells in your body? Inflammation is like a home security system, flashing lights and sounding sirens that “intruders” need to be removed. In other words, inflammation is a natural, biological response where the body is trying to […]
By S.D. Wells
$50-Billion mega-corporation Monsanto LOSES in court while millions of activists and organic consumers win big
Interested in feeding the world and helping farmers become more prosperous with sustainable crops? Boycott evil Monsanto. Searching for the cure for cancer and Alzheimer’s disease? Boycott Monsanto. Are you in favor of protecting the free-speech voices and the privacy of organic consumers who know GMOs and Roundup are extremely toxic to humans, farm animals, […]
By S.D. Wells
Dangerous gene-edited “Crispr” crops classified as GMO by EU – has all the U.S. biotech shills squirming like worms coated in pesticide
The GMO trolls at the New York Times are at it again, sowing “seeds of confusion” for the typical American consumer, who doesn’t even know what genetic engineering really means, much less gene editing “technology.” A recent European ruling has all the biotech shills throwing their usual temper tantrums, simply because gene editing has been […]
By S.D. Wells
Biology Fortified is another front group for Monsanto, pushing GMOs and cancer-causing herbicides in your food
Biology Fortified, Inc. (BFI) is a tax-exempt GMO-front group with a main mission of teaching scientists how to communicate with the public (and political lobbyists) and convince them that genetically modified organisms in food are not the health-and-environmental horror story that they really are today. The BFI main source of reference is the Genetic Engineering […]
By S.D. Wells
Huffington Post shills for Monsanto, recommends consumers eat more pesticides
Eat your bug-killing corn and your weed-killing soy and shut up. That’s the ultimate message coming from the Bayer/Monsanto shills at “HuffPo” (Huffington Post) and the Environmental Protection Agency, the latter of which should be renamed the Environmental Promotion of Poisonous Pesticides Agency (EPPPA). Any food that doesn’t make you deathly sick the same day […]
By S.D. Wells
Where in the world are your sugar, coffee and soybeans coming from? Hopefully not pesticide-saturated Brazil
Do you or your children suffer from pesticide poisoning? How would you know? The last time your doctor took a blood panel, did he or she review the levels of dioxins found? Humans who fail to filter pesticides out of their daily intake suffer dire health consequences that most allopathic (medical) doctors have no clue […]
By S.D. Wells
Violence, ignorance, hate and socialism – Find out how TOXIC foods and noxious medicines are fueling Leftist derangement across America
Want to live in a country that has no police, no laws, no freedom of speech, no freedom of press, no freedom of religion, and no right to bear arms? Then move to some third world country, find a cave to dwell in, carve out a club and some spears, and pray that nobody finds […]
By S.D. Wells
New York Times now spreading GMO propaganda about “golden” rice, frost-tolerant spinach and climate change
Attention all humans living in a mind fog from consuming too many chemical pesticides, that all-too-familiar New York news rag “NYT” is still serving up brain-washing bunk about GMOs showing “no evidence of harm” to those who consume them. Monsanto “presstitute” Jane Brody keeps regurgitating the already-debunked lie that traditional crossbreeding of produce is the […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 11 “buzz words” and phrases Big Food uses to fool consumers into thinking processed foods are healthy
There’s a good reason why organic food spoils more quickly than processed food. Junk science has come a long way in the past 30 to 40 years, and to the demise of most Americans. What Big Food calls additives and preservatives “add” shelf life to foods while subtracting “real life” years from those who consume […]
By S.D. Wells
From WWII to present day – How food and medicine got totally corrupted by Big Government, Big Ag and Big Pharma
Most Americans have no clue about the deep-seeded levels of corruption inside our regulatory agencies, including the AMA, FDA, CDC, and the EPA. Insidious racketeering and scheming began before World War II, and powerful U.S. industrialists carefully planned and plotted health Ponzi schemes utilizing dangerous chemicals, from spraying our crops to canning our food, and […]
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