News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 POISONS most Americans eat or drink EVERY day
If you accidentally sprayed roach killer or weed killer on your fruit, you would probably rush to wash it off, knowing it would make you sick if you ate it, now or later (in fact you would probably discard the produce entirely). If you put poisonous rat baits or pest-killing “food” pellets under your home, […]
By S.D. Wells
Should chemotherapy drugs, SSRIs and opiate-based painkillers be classified as weapons of mass destruction or biological warfare on Americans?
One hundred years ago, America fought in World War I, and statistics afterward horrified the world, revealing 17 million people dead or missing in action. Industrial chemists played a major role in developing poisonous and deadly biological weapons of mass destruction when they created mustard gas that was used in the trenches to wipe out soldiers […]
By S.D. Wells
Whole Foods pushes TOXIC blood-clotting canola oil in more than 50% of their packaged products and at the prepared food bar
The slogan on the Whole Foods website says, “Eat real food.” Sure. Then at the top of the home page they claim, “We’re growing something good.” Really? Since when is rapeseed good? Most of the signature Whole Foods brand “365” products contain rapeseed oil (also known as Canadian Low Acid Oil or “canola” for short). […]
By S.D. Wells
The 7 most common toxins people apply to their skin DAILY without even knowing it
It’s so easy to say you are living a healthy life when you are safeguarding what you eat and drink, trying to stick to mostly organic and raw whole foods, but millions of Americans often forget the fact that their skin is their largest organ, and most body care products are loaded with allergens, irritants […]
By S.D. Wells
7 Reasons nearly everyone has gluten “intolerance” to some degree
If you were to flush a handful of paper towels down your toilet every day for a couple of weeks, you can imagine the immense clogging that would occur eventually, and you would probably need to call in a plumber, after you experience a back up of the toxic toilet water in the pipes and […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 carcinogenic food additives and ingredients BANNED nearly everywhere in the world except … wait for it … the United States of America
There’s one reason the United States has such loose regulations when it comes to allowing known carcinogens and health-crippling chemicals to be put in our most popular food products: It’s a big bread winner for the pharmaceutical industry. Why? It’s almost inevitable in America that once you start reeling from the effects of eating chemicals […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 health-protecting executive decisions no POTUS will probably ever make
We can and should all support grass roots movements that make a difference in several realms, including increasing awareness of certain health topics, the power of natural remedies and the benefits of plant-based nutrition. But let’s face it, there are some Utopian-style laws, rules and regulations we’ll most likely never experience from the top-down, thanks […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 12 GMO-promoting information sources to AVOID at all costs
One of the worst things that can happen to you in life is when you are educated improperly. Learning false information, propaganda and distorted facts leads to bad decisions and a thought “infrastructure” that takes twice the amount of work to deconstruct and rebuild properly. The concept and scientific craft of genetically modifying organisms is […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 ways to prevent your pets from getting cancer and dying young
One out of every three Americans will get cancer in their lifetime, and only half of those victims will survive it, so how are our pets any different? Cancer barely existed in America a century ago, and that’s because we didn’t process food with chemicals then, and we didn’t have chemical-based medicine then, and we […]
By S.D. Wells
10 most evil people in the world today who lie about science, pharmaceuticals and GMOs
Are all politicians heartfelt people who only help their countries prosper and who only protect their people from harm? Of course not – so why then would you believe that every doctor only practices honest medicine and only prescribes what is thoroughly tested as “safe and beneficial” for his or her patients? Does every builder, […]
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