News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
If they are willing to poison the chickens to stop them from laying eggs, they are likely poisoning the HUMAN food supply to stop us from having children
Even mainstream media news can’t avoid reporting the widespread devastation that is happening to chickens and eggs at farms across the country, sending the pricing of meat and byproducts through the roof. From massive fires and explosions at food processing plants, to animal feed poisoned with arsenic and infertility chemicals, it all seems to be […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 4 most INSIDIOUS SLOGANS that trick consumers into using toxic products, including personal care items, food and medicine
It’s a shame the FDA doesn’t protect customers by investigating questionable claims by product makers and distributors, especially ones that claim the exact opposite of what they do. In other words, the world’s most deadly and dangerous products are claiming they are safe, healthy and effective, when they are actually dangerous, harmful and ineffective at what […]
By S.D. Wells
10 Most SURPRISING and DANGEROUS ingredients in vaccines, and the industry’s poor explanations for why they’re used
Are you aware that blood, cells, and organ tissue from cows, eagles, dogs, ferrets, chickens, and yes, human abortions, are used to manufacture the world’s most deadly vaccines? That’s why they’re called “dirty vaccines.” Most natural health advocates already know about thimerosal, which is 50 percent mercury, that crosses the blood-brain barrier thanks to the […]
By S.D. Wells
Popular air fresheners can cause major HEALTH PROBLEMS for humans breathing them in, studies claim
What emanates in your home may be burning down your health, slowly and methodically, and many consumers don’t even realize it until it’s too late. Chemicals in candles, air fresheners (including plug-ins), deodorants, aerosols, and smell-fresh sprays can intoxicate the atmosphere, enter the lungs, and cause chronic damage throughout the body, over time, say new […]
By S.D. Wells
Shady “Clean Label Project” seemingly running “black box” junk science operation that rates clean protein powders as contaminated based on sketchy “detectable” heavy metals claims
It is looking more and more like the “Clean Label Project” is just a huge scam project that falsely accuses certain protein powders of being heavily contaminated with heavy metals, when all they’re doing is pointing out that heavy metals were “detectable” at the parts per billion level. If this were the standard, nearly every […]
By S.D. Wells
PRESCRIPTION for EARLY DEATH: Corporate food, corporate prescription drugs, and corporate-funded vaccinations are a trifecta of toxicity
Are you one of those people who enter grocery stores and wander down the “corporate aisles” wondering what to buy for breakfasts, lunches and dinners? Maybe you’re cooking up some desserts or going on a trip and trying to load up on some goodies for that. The corporate aisles are all the ones that run […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 WORST INVENTIONS of the past century that decimate people’s health and safety
Throughout history, there are amazing inventions that improve our world, our lives and help us evolve. Some of those inventions, though, are utilized for evil purposes. Then, there are inventions that simply were designed for evil purposes, and that’s what this research reveals about 8 inventions that destroy people’s mind and body, and put their […]
By S.D. Wells
Creepy Bill Gates featured in GMO corn video pushing Africans to grow and eat his lab-concocted, pest-killing cobs of Frankencorn
Nobody pushes harder to reduce the world’s population with “science” than creepy billionaire science nerd Bill Gates. Anything created in a laboratory is game for Bill Gates “saving the world” from the blights of starvation, climate change, too many children, and so on. In his ultimate nerd way, Bill tries to seem hip and cool […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 6 products hyped as healthy over the years that may be devastating to human health
One out of every three Americans is overweight, and half of those consumers are obese. One out of every three Americans will develop cancer in their lifetime. One out of every three Americans also have pre-diabetes. Over 30 million Americans have heart disease right now. The country is riddled with preventable diseases that barely existed […]
By S.D. Wells
HAPPENING NOW: The degradation of future generations via contaminated food, tainted water, toxic medicine, deadly vaccines and more
Worse than ever before, the US government and regulatory agencies have sped up the process of degrading human health, the environment and the entire supply chain for fuel, energy and food. It’s not only part of a master plan of depopulation, but one that is intended to sicken the populace so pitifully that they cannot […]
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