News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 DRUG, CHEMICAL and TOXIN delivery devices used for population reduction and genocide
Most people do not believe that their government, especially the US government, is interested in drastically reducing the population of their country or nation using insidious methodologies, including medical “interventions.” Why in the world would the government want fewer people to be healthy, and more people dying, and what goals would be accomplished in that […]
By S.D. Wells
Illnesses intensified, compounded and exacerbated by COVID “vaccines”
Since U.S. medical doctors never blame vaccines for health problems, nary an American who suffers the health consequences of these horrible injections knows the real culprit. For decades now, vaccines have been known to contain an array of toxins that should never be injected into the human body. These contaminants bypass all of the body’s […]
By S.D. Wells
Covid vaccines are like deadly snake VENOM and the CDC functions as the ultimate snake oil “salesman”
Snake oil is the term people use for deceptive marketing of products, especially having to do with fraudulent health care. Vaccines are concoctions made in laboratories that contain deadly antigens and pathogens, often causing much more severe health damage and death than whatever virus they are supposed to protect against. All snake oil vaccines come with […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 toxins Americans are ingesting right now, leading to unnecessary suffering and early deaths
To ingest is to swallow or absorb food or chemicals into the body. Daily, we ingest hundreds, if not thousands, of substances that the body does not want, need or use at all, so our cleansing organs must differentiate and properly dispose of the waste. But there’s a problem. Most Americans completely and utterly OVERLOAD […]
By S.D. Wells
Counterfeit News Network (CNN) promotes eating dangerous mercury-loaded cicada bugs that have been underground for 17 years as the “future of food”
Researchers at the University of Cincinnati College of Engineering found surprising levels of deadly mercury in the 17-year cicadas, also known as Cincinnati’s “Brood-X” insects. This type of cicada is a well-known bio-accumulators of mercury, the most toxic non-radioactive element on earth, also found in many vaccines. The loud critters also often accumulate high levels […]
By S.D. Wells
SHOCKER: Most products labeled “Non-GMO” can still be grown with sewage sludge, antibiotics, growth hormones, hospital bio-waste, synthetic pesticides and Roundup
Millions of consumers around the world have been hoodwinked by the “Non-GMO” product label, and to this day, have no clue that the quality of the majority of those products is nothing even close to organic. The whole goal of eating healthy is to avoid foods that are contaminated, and that way you also get the […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 foods and beverages you probably had NO IDEA contain chemical pesticides
Are you eating pest killer food? Would you eat a plate of food if someone accidentally sprayed the whole dish with bug killer or weed killer? Are you one of those people who think there’s no cure for cancer, while you consume pesticides all day long? If you don’t want to die like a roach in […]
By S.D. Wells
Is the money you save buying GMO foods worth the price of cancer later in life?
Let’s take an inside look at just how much money you’re really saving on the food you buy that’s not organic or at least non-GMO certified. Then, we’ll compare those ‘savings’ to the co-pays for cancer treatments (if you even have coverage), loss of job time, hospital time, loss of time with your family, plus […]
By S.D. Wells
Pro-Business Trump further deregulates GMOs that already contaminate 90 percent of American food
First off, there are not many regulations on GMOs in America, so don’t go buying that Trump suddenly opened Pandora’s Box and let loose all the genetically mutated Frankencrops this month. Monsanto all but runs the U.S. government, including agencies of the FDA, USDA and EPA. They’re such a huge monopoly (now Bayer) that they […]
By S.D. Wells
Got memory loss, brain fog and chronic fatigue? Here are the top 5 causes
It’s really hard to eat healthy when you read the wrong news or can’t even remember good advice when you hear it. Some people get really motivated when they see a Youtuber who’s in great shape and has simple tips, but try to put those strategies into action while your cleansing organs are being ‘vandalized’ by chemicals, […]
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